| ELECTROMECHANICAL MATTERS VNIIEM studies. Volume 201. #4 2024 |
| Article title | Pages | | CONTENTS | 1 | | TABLE OF CONTENTS | 2 | GENERAL QUESTIONS OF ELECTROMECHANICS | | Optimal design of ring-shaped reaction wheel with the permanent
magnets assembled in compliance with simplified Halbach
scheme according to the criterion of axial force
related to the volume A. B. Zakharenko, N. A. Belokurova | 3-8 | | Development of electrical power system autonomous
underwater vehicle based on a solid-state transformer B. A. Avdeev, S. G. Chernyi,
A. S. Kustov, A. V. Degtyarev | 9-14 | SPACE ELECTROMECHANICS. SPACE CRAFTS.
NEAR-EARTH SPACE RESEARCH | | Integrated satellite monitoring tools for a mesoscale
convective system with increased thunderstorm activity A. V. Karelin, K. A. Molodtsov, V. V. Hegai | 15-19 | | The effect of errors in determining the location
of the spacecraft on the parameters of remote sensing
by a synthetic aperture radar A. P. Paneeva, N. A. Golov | 20-27 | | Methodical approach of the validity of the requirements
for the ballistic construction of the remote sensing
multi-satellite constellation A. S. Zhamkov, V. I. Myasnikov, A. V. Savchenko | 28-36 | | Comparison of the efficiency of LZ77 and LZ78
compression algorithms V. V. Kudinov, O. K. Saprykin | 37-41 | | Mathematical model for a high-resolution radar station taking
into account equipment noise and interference effects A. N. Tonkikh | 42-48 | | Application of interleaving algorithms in the transmission
of analog information in a digital communication system O. K. Saprykin, V. V. Kudinov | 49-54 |